Joint publications

For project consultancy reports, please see Our projects, or for conference presentations, Our presentations.

Please don't hesitate to contact us for copies of any publications listed.

Smith, H. A., & Haslett, S.J. (2019). Statistical summary of previous quantitative research into Indigenous language and well-being (Appendix 1). In D. Angelo et al. Well-being & Indigenous Language Ecologies (WILE): A strengths-based approach. Literature Review for the National Indigenous Languages Report, Pillar 2 (pp. 81-115). Canberra: The Australian National University. DOI: 10.25911/5dd50865580ea.

Smith, H. A., & Haslett, S. J. (2016). ‘Children’s rights in education research: From aims to outcomes’. Cambridge Journal of Education. DOI:

Smith, H. A., & Haslett, S. J. (2016). 'Design and implementation issues in surveying the views of young children in ethnolinguistically diverse developing country contexts,' International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 39 (2), pp. 131-150. DOI:

Smith, H. A., Haslett, S. J., & Pakau, E.  (2014). 'Research with children in Oceania: Getting the methodology right.' In Tomou'a, R. (Ed.), Weaving theory and practice in teacher education in Oceania: Proceedings of Vaka Pasifiki Education Conference. University of the South Pacific, Tongatapu (Tonga), 24-25 September 2014. The paper can be downloaded here, and the full proceedings here.

Smith, H. A., & Haslett, S. J. (2008). ‘Use of the IELTS General Training Module in technical and vocational tertiary institutions: A case study from Aotearoa New Zealand.’ IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Reports, Vol. 8. Canberra: IELTS Australia, pp. 243-281. Download.

Smith, H. A., & Haslett, S. J. (2007). ‘Attitudes of tertiary key decision-makers towards English language tests in Aotearoa New Zealand: Report on the results of a national provider survey’. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Reports, Vol. 7. Canberra: IELTS Australia. Download.

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